Guest Post Guidelines


At Going Nomadic, we love guest posters.   Want to tell a travel story?  About your favourite restaurant you think all visitors should try?  Top 10 Things to Do In Albuquerque?   We love that!

We do have some strict guidelines for guest posters though, so read them below.



  • My name is Dani.  I am female.  Address me as such in your pitch.  Addressing me as “Hey”, “Editor”, or “Dear Sir”, and you will be blacklisted.
  • Tell us the Title (or working title) of the post you want to write
  • Give us a short summary of the post, including why you want to write it. 
  • What links you want to include? (TELL US THE URL)
  • Pitches and posts must be in English.  If you are not a native speaker, let us know.  We don’t mind a bit of editing to help out second-language speakers.  As long as the article is mostly understandable. 

*We may accept a Spanish post, if it has information specifically helpful to South Americans looking to travel to the USA or Europe.  Just give us more time to review.  YOUR PITCH MUST STILL BE IN ENGLISH!  We are not bilingual yet at GoingNomadic, but we are working on it.



  • We ONLY accept links to personal blogs/websites, and 2 social media per guest post.  As a guest poster you get an Authors Bio, a 3-4 sentence bio at the end of the article with links to your PERSONAL blog/website and PERSONAL social media.  These links will be checked. The link to your blog/website will be a do-follow at our discretion.*The only exception to this rule is if you want to include a link to more information for interested readers, like a Wikipedia explanation, or homepage of a place you are talking about

    (EXAMPLE: Writing about your favourite Poutine restaurant in Toronto? We will consider allowing a link to the restaurant’s menu page, or the Wikipedia site explaining what the hell Poutine is).

  • No affiliate links, commerce links, or booking sites are allowed.
  • If you try to sneak in a commercial link you will be blacklisted.
  • If you are unsure if a link is allowed, just ask and we will review it.



  • If you want to include images in your guest post (and posts that do are more likely to be accepted), they must either be Public Domain, Creative Commons, or a photo you took. 
  • You must provide all attribution and license info and link to where you got the photo from.
  • In the case of your photos, by sending them, you are giving us permission to reprint the photos on GoingNomadic only in your article.  We do not claim any other rights or uses.
  • You may watermark the photos as long as it is not across the middle of the page or obnoxious.



  • If we express interest, send us your article via GoogleDocs, either as a text article (with images inserted in the correct positioning) or as html format.  Expressing interest does not equal acceptance of article. 
  • If we can insert any city/country/place in your article and still have it make sense, your article is too generic and will be denied.
  • If your article involves a story that could end with possible maiming or death (skydiving, shooting guns, learning Muy Thai from 8 year old fighters) we love you.  Our readers are sadists and like stories involving adrenaline activities, possible dismemberment, embarrassing moments, and humor.
  • You do not have to be a traveler, travel blogger, or travel anything to write for us.  We allow guest posts from all sorts of people/professions as long as the post has to do with travel.  (It can be places to visit in your hometown).
  • We work hard, but we do not sit by the computer waiting to answer your email.  If you have followed our guidelines, and haven’t heard from us after a week, THEN you may inquire about your pitch.   If you annoy us with incessant or demanding emails we will refuse your guest post and blacklist you.  We only work with people with manners.

If you are interested in any type of commercial partnership, please visit our MEDIA PAGE HERE! 


READY TO PITCH US A GUEST POST?   Use the contact form below!