The MeGusta Music festival in Santiago, Chile is an all day, free music festival of local Chilean music in Santiago, Chile that has everything from hip-hop to rock, to salsa etc. But this time I didn’t photograph the music. I walked around and photographed the crowd.
Everyone came out to this show. Old people, young people, metal heads, hippies, moms, potheads, Hare Krishna’s…EVERYONE. Here is a sample of the people who love the MeGusta Music Festival.
Sikhs selling plastic wrapped hamburgers
Little kids playing with guns (always a good time)
Little metal-head miss. Love her!
Some people just REALLY need a hug
Dude with hippie drums and a misfits shirt, his homey-g-in-a-clown-nose friend, and the dude with dreads…
I want to play a game. Its called ‘Sleeping, Drunk, or Homeless’?’
Dear moms, all pre-teen boys love to play with ribbons.
The Incredible Upside-Down Sign Man (he may be homeless, but he sure doesn’t know orientation)
(this reference may only be known by older SNL fans. Look it up)
Little kids in Iron Maiden shirts learning how to fight (is it bad I think this is absolutely adorable)?
(ps. I’m glad you felt the need to stop me to show me this, but it kinda looks like chopped up rosemary)
Wandering bands of Hare Krishnas
Santiago – nice city, but they have a huge 6 year old gang problem.
Mmmm, fake meat out of plastic bin, in the hot sun…why sure!
Umbrella-hat laden bubble blowers? – yea, Santiago has them too.
So these are some of the people you will see hanging out in Santiago. Another thing that makes this city remind me of New York City in the summertime. Love Santiago.
About Dani Blanchette
I am a freelance travel and music photographer and creator of
I love music, food, and exploring cities without guidebooks. I’ve flown a helicopter, hitchhiked down the east coast USA, and once snuck into the back of a zoo (in Serbia) and pet a lion.
I am always up for an adventure, and sometimes I videotape them.