Week 24 of the Indie Travel Challenge is all about traveling to and within the USA.
If you live in the States or have done a budget trip here, what tips would you give a friend wanting to see the US?
I love traveling across the USA. I average 36,000 miles a year on my car, and for almost 5 years, never stayed in one USA city for more than a month and a half at a time (I was a freelance roadie.)
I love the USA and for anyone coming here; like oh, DIEGO – who I am trying to get into the USA for a road-trip next summer – I have a whole list of things to do.
1. ROUTE 66
This has to be the most famous and coolest road ever built. What makes it so incredible, is the amount of random, useless, roadside attractions it has.
Actually, just about every road in the USA has random, useless, roadside attractions of awesomeness. Largest balls of twine (yes, I said balls), meteor craters, gigantic statues of Paul Bunyan, the list is really, really long.
There is actually a website dedicated to this stuff, that I am using as research into places I want to bring Diego. Its called RoadsideAmerica.com
2. I would also recommend going to New Orleans.
I would love to tell you more; but I myself, have yet to go there. This is a must on Diego and I’s road trip. The music, the food, the Cajun culture…. Louisiana and New Orleans are full of mystery, excitement, supernatural and voodoo, unbelievable heritage, and possible death (I want to go see gators). Not to mention, the fact I can barely understand thick Cajun accents. I can’t wait to see Diego attempt to decipher them.
3. Go to Maine.
Go to the rocky coastline. Go eat some fresh lobster and blueberries. Maine is beautiful. Go.
4. And of course – Vegas
…but please..GET OFF THE STRIP while you are there!
There is so much to do in Vegas, and yes, seeing the Strip, is a definite must. But that is not the only thing to do. We have a ton of art and culture, outdoor activities (rock climbing, bouldering at red Rock), amazing Asian food on Spring Mountain Road, I mean, I’ve already written 3 posts about things to do in Vegas that don’t involve The Strip. I’m just going to list them below – along with a great site FOR the Strip. A site which I use myself. but really, there is so much more than the Strip people.
This is especially true for all of you who say
“Why would I want to visit Vegas? I don’t like gambling or crowds”.
Neither do I people. Neither do I. But I still love this town because of all the other stuff. And the casinos have some cool stuff inside them too. Ask the concierge. That’s what they are there for. Get away from the tourist and explore.
5. You know what, there is too many things to list here….
I’m just going to throw up some cool websites now that may help you out on your trip.
Site listing all USA State Travel and Tourism offices
The Phoenix (local New England arts, music, and entertainment guide).
This is part of Boots n All 2012 Indie Travel Challenge. I’m doing this in hopes of becoming a more consistent and better travel-blogger. And hoping to do a 3 month USA road trip with Diego next summer!
About Dani Blanchette
I am a freelance travel and music photographer and creator of GoingNomadic.com.
I love music, food, and exploring cities without guidebooks. I’ve flown a helicopter, hitchhiked down the east coast USA, and once snuck into the back of a zoo (in Serbia) and pet a lion.
I am always up for an adventure, and sometimes I videotape them.