Tell us about the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “world’s most dangerous road.” …What’s your general inclination toward things with names like “most dangerous” – does it draw you in, or make you run screaming from the room?
I hear “MOST DANGEROUS” and I’m already there. If it wasn’t for the long, long hours on a bus and the ridiculous ‘reciprocity’ (a.k.a.REVENGE) fee I have to pay as a US Citizen to get into Bolivia, I would have already gone. I still want to go, but this trip requires me to go to places I don’t have to pay to get into, besides Chile. Wish I knew about the $140 revenge fee into Chile, more than 5 hours before my plane left…but at least that surprise wasn’t waiting for me at the gate; thank you Brendan Van Son.
I love going to places that say “DANGER”, “DEATH” or “HIGHLY LIKELY MAIMING”. This usually means there is going to be lots of fun and some great photos ops.
You read:
“Danger. Do not climb on rocks. Death may occur.”
I see
“Go climb on rocks to get some cool ocean-crashing-wave shots then run back over wet, slippery rocks 5 minutes before the small land bridge gets filled in with pounding, violent waves and you are stranded waiting for imminent death”
Yes, as most photographers I know, I love the dangerous stuff. Why?
Cause it usually leads to awesome photos!
Plus, I just have adrenaline issues (aka I love the rush).
So if you have a ‘DANGER, DEATH, and POSSIBLE MAIMING’ trip or place you would like to sponsor me to go to, I’m totally game!
This is part of Boots n All 2012 Indie Travel Challenge. I’m doing this in hopes of becoming a more consistent and better travel-blogger. And possibly getting maimed in the name of good stories.