Danger!!! Danger!!!


Tell us about the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “world’s most dangerous road.” …What’s your general inclination toward things with names like “most dangerous” – does it draw you in, or make you run screaming from the room?


I hear “MOST DANGEROUS”  and I’m already there.  If it wasn’t for the long, long hours on a bus and the ridiculous ‘reciprocity’ (a.k.a.REVENGE) fee I have to pay as a US Citizen to get into Bolivia, I would have already gone.  I still want to go, but this trip requires me to go to places I don’t have to pay to get into, besides Chile.  Wish I knew about the $140 revenge fee into Chile, more than 5 hours before my plane left…but at least that surprise wasn’t waiting for me at the gate; thank you Brendan Van Son.

I love going to places that say “DANGER”, “DEATH” or “HIGHLY LIKELY MAIMING”.  This usually means there is going to be lots of fun and some great photos ops.

You read:

“Danger.  Do not climb on rocks.  Death may occur.”

I see

“Go climb on rocks to get some cool ocean-crashing-wave shots then run back over wet, slippery rocks 5 minutes before the small land bridge gets filled in with pounding, violent waves and you are stranded waiting for imminent death”


Waves of Possible Death vs Tiny land bridge to saftey

Safety vs Where I Like To Go

Yes, as most photographers I know, I love the dangerous stuff.  Why?

Cause it usually leads to awesome photos!

Plus, I just have adrenaline issues (aka  I love the rush).

So if you have a ‘DANGER, DEATH, and POSSIBLE MAIMING’ trip or place you would like to sponsor me to go to, I’m totally game!

This is part of Boots n All 2012 Indie Travel Challenge. I’m doing this in hopes of becoming a more consistent and better travel-blogger.  And possibly getting maimed in the name of good stories.